We do one thing: over-the-top Marketing & Ad Tech alchemy. We are the Martech Masons.

We build marketing machines in our sleep, equal parts marketing & tech know-how.
All awesome teams we know are Marketing Guys+Girls (with some tech) or Marketing Guys+Girls (with some design). We purposefully balance our team to have equal firepower for both.
You’ll love our “Double-K” Guiding Principle: Our Killer Instinct mixed with our Intense Kindness.
The “Double K-s,” as we call them are our heart. Yes, our virtue system that we’re loyal to prioritizes being “Kind,” empathic, to treat others the way we want to be treated (or they would treat us)–and mixing that with our “Killer Instinct” gives you results and a team you can trust. Because if we don’t trust each other, we won’t work together.

We’re Strategy Second. We don’t spend forever philosophizing; we jump in, and learn and strategize as we do.
We believe that strategy can’t be separated from implementation, without risking failure. Ancient builders whipped out their compasses and squares, and thought deeply about what they were doing as they got their hands dirty doing it. We continue that tradition.
Our Secret Sauces include being unusually strong at managing complex situations and people.
The magic of Silicon Valley isn’t in the tech–but in the knowing how to manage really, really well. Standards & supervision rule despite There Being No B-Team here.

We’ve internalized the OpSec approach towards everything, no matter how small.
Operations Security isn’t just a set of best practices; it’s a culture. We have years of practice and it permeates the whole company culture.
Doing Great Work Isn’t Enough: We know how to make you, personally, look great to your boss, your client, and your partners.
We’re deep realists, and we know that you know that doing high quality work, in and of itself, just doesn’t cut it. You need attribution, communication, well-designed reports, every i-dotted and t-crossed, so that you look great.

We’re process-driven yet with the human touch & heart: big enough to be serious and small enough to care.
Process matters, but so does being human. We define and follow processes for every little things, but use our heart to give it all and get around the processes when needed. And of course update any process that we realized we needed to get around.
Old-fashioned Virtue, Loyalty & Blunt Directness above all. We look you in the eye and tell you what you need to know.
We spend a lot of time talking, thinking and writing about the “ancient” Roman virtues. This comes from having a team that spent their lives reading and internalizing the classics of philosophy and antiquity. But more than reading and writing about these virtues, we practice them.

Oh, and of course our best-in-class
martech experience…