So recently we’ve been discussing a lot of many different possibilities to take advantage of creating a Microsite Marketing Strategy, and how there was a huge variety of alternatives when it came to the actual use we’ll be giving to our Microsite. As much as we’d love to dive into all of them and squeeze all of their juice as soon as possible, we believe that going step by step and taking our time to do a real-deep-extremely-detailed analysis on them is the much better way to go. So today, we’ll be going through one of our personal favorites, the possibility of using a Microsite to have your main website’s blog in it.
In the last couple of articles, we’ve been reviewing the different utilities that a Microsite can have, and we’ve seen that all of them share their very own starting point in the fact of whether or not it’s worth it for your company to use a Microsite Strategy. So, in order to stay true to our roots, it’s important that you, our beloved readers, understand that using a Microsite as your website’s blog applies to the same original reasons on the drawbacks and reasons to create a Microsite strategy, with the only exception being that this is just one Microsite, and not a complete family of them. That said, we can now jump into the specifics of our Microsite blog, shall we?
It’s good for your SEO
Just as every other microsite variation we’ve discussed, Microsites being used as blogs are great for your SEO. Basically, you have a whole new website ready to be filled up with articles and content related to your brand, and that links to your own main website. So basically, you have a completely new keyword game to start, and you can fill it up with more and more links to your main website, your other microsites, and other trustworthy websites on the internet. So the bottom line is you have a brand new website to implement all your SEO techniques that, when linking to your main one, can do a lot for the way search results feel about you.
You can dive into whatever you want (as long as it’s somehow related)
More often than not, we found ourselves facing the situation of whether or not we should post something to our company’s websites. Maybe we found out about this fascinating (or at least fascinating for us) fact about something very slightly related to our brand, so we’d love to go crazy about it, and spread our knowledge to the world. Just then, we realized the issue of how much our users will actually care about it, or even if it’s coherent with our regular content. Having a website where you can just go ahead and write a million articles about whatever it is you find cool (and that has some correlation with your main website!) can be a great solution to the “to-post-or-not-to-post” (hope you caught that) situation.
Target your audience
As a rule of thumb, anyone who goes into a blog about a very specific subject is somehow interested in it. If I went to, let’s say, a blog about microsites (hint), it is a very safe thing to say that I’m even slightly interested in microsites, and this can apply to any subject you choose to run a blog about. Basically, you’ll have a microsite that works as a filter to find out which users will be a great target for your Ads. This microsite will be kind of a funnel (in the literal meaning of the word) for the users that are more likely to convert in your website, and this will be a great audience to target.
Of course, this can always be attached to exceptions. For example, random people looking for random articles to do some research about something, or competitors that are trying to find out how to improve their game, or even just someone that ended up there by mistake. However, I believe most of the users that go into a blog as specific as yours will probably be much closer to it than the average internet user. So there’s really way less risk to waste your Ads than the ones you could reach using a regular target strategy.
It can help your users learn more
If your company has a wide variety of products to offer, then having a website meant to go detailed about some of the aspects revolving around your brand can be a great help. Basically, you can write a whole bunch of articles on things to consider before buying, differences among your products, when is the right time to buy them, and many other possibilities that could do a lot for your confused users. Of course, this can work on both sides, not only will your microsite help your users make the right choices, but it also can be a good way to promote some of your products, and end up increasing their sales.
As a personal side note, I believe this could be a great asset for your website, and that could really set you apart from your competitors that just offer their products without really trying to make any difference or add any value to their users. We are always trying to look for complex new competitive advantages to outrun our competitors, and this is actually a very simple one to implement that can be adaptable to pretty much every business, and that your users will really appreciate a lot.
So the bottom line here is quite simple: Having a microsite used as a blog is a very easy strategy to implement, that can really make a difference for your SEO, your targets, and your users. So basically, there really aren’t a lot of reasons not to give it a try. And hey, don’t take my word for it, take it from our experience.
Mora is a PPC Analyst at Hellbent Digital at work, and a theater nerd when not at work. And it turns out understanding theater—that is, how to put on compelling live shows that engage the audience—is a very useful skill for understanding digital marketing.